WWE Monday Night RAW Results: 10/15/2012 in Nashville, Tenn.
Mr. McMahon named CM Punk's challenger at Hell in a Cell
Decision time, take two: With the fate of WWE Champion CM Punk left to the discretion of Mr. McMahon, which route did The Chairman choose for his champion in the place where rivalries are settled once and for all?
Well, the answer, as turned out, was not what anyone could have expected. But we're getting to that.
The contract signing for Hell in a Cell started off somewhat typically, with champion and challenger(s) staring daggers at each other over while The Chairman began to address the assembled Superstars. Punk cut The Boss off, though, before he could even begin, putting pen to the paper and declaring that what would be would be. "I will do to [Cena or Ryback] what I did to you. I will break them," Punk vowed with vigor. This brought out the fire in Cena, who demeaned Punk yet again before making a decision that left all parties speechless: Cena demurred.

Because, as Cena himself said, while Ryback may or may not care about the WWE Title, what Big Hungry does care about is "kicking ass." And more than anything, Cena's message to Punk was: "You need to get your ass kicked." It was then that Cena painted a picture of Punk's future, and it was a highly unpleasant one filled with unrest and terror as the WWE Champion spent his waking days and sleepless nights haunted by three simple words: "Feed Me More."
With the ramifications of the night becoming clear, Punk looked on in horror while Cena led the WWE Universe in Ryback's chant and Big Hungry put his name to the legalese, solidifying the match and his new status as the No. 1 contender to the WWE Championship. Punk's attempt to intimidate the big man proved fruitless at best, with Ryback unceremoniously pounded Punk's head against the table and Shell Shocked him for good measure. Cena's prediction showed early signs of coming true: As Raw faded to black and the main event of Hell in a Cell was set, the WWE Champion found himself prone on the mat and surrounded on all sides by those three magic words.
source: wwe.com
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