WWE: John Cena's 300th wish kid offers a challenge to the WWE Universe

“All he does is talk about John and all the Superstars and everyone at WWE,” Jonny’s mom Ruth Littman said. “He has such a zest for life. He always, has but this has been incredible.”
Jonny’s self-esteem has skyrocketed, and even more importantly, his health has improved. Instead of overnight hospital visits, Jonny has had his first outpatient procedures, allowing him to go home the same day.
“Because it was on a Monday, and what’s Monday? Raw! And they don’t have USA Network at the hospital,” Ruth told WWE.com. “He came out of if it and was like, ‘OK, I am ready to go home!’ ”
“He doesn’t think about when he has to go to a doctor’s appointment if he’s going to get stuck staying in the hospital anymore. He is like, ‘OK, hurry up, let’s get this over with. I’m doing great!’ ”
Jonny first met Cena in June, before Raw in Long Island, N.Y. Then, a few days later, Cena surprised the WWE Circle of Champions honoree live on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” where he presented the youngster with tickets to WWE’s historic 1,000th episode of Raw. It was at the 1,000th episode of Raw where Jonny, who was by then a “pro” at wishes, imparted his wisdom on some of the children meeting Cena that July day.
“When we were at Raw, he had the opportunity to watch two other wish kids get their wishes granted by John and some of the other Superstars,” Ruth explained. “I guess because he wasn’t nervous anymore and he had been through it, he was trying to reassure the other kids. It was so cute.”
Jonny turns 8 on Nov. 19. What’s he doing to celebrate? Going to another WWE Live Event to cheer on his favorite Superstars next month, of course!
“We’re going to a show in Wilkes-Barre [Pa.], near our home, on Dec. 15,” Ruth said. “He’s so excited. I told him that’s his birthday present and he gets to bring his niece and his sister, too.”
But the icing on Jonny’s birthday cake would be if the WWE Universe watched his YouTube message about Make-A-Wish. (WATCH) He challenges each member of the WWE Universe to donate $1 to Make-A-Wish, a charity WWE strongly supported for more than 30 years. Ruth explained that Jonny just wants more kids’ dreams to come true so their lives could change for the better like his has. (DONATE AT WISH.ORG)
“Jonny told me, ‘Maybe we can ask all the fans if they would donate $1. That would be a lot of money! How many wishes?’ ” Ruth said. “I said, ‘Honey, that would be a heck of a lot of wishes!’ "
source: wwe.com
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